Section 4 Understanding Salvation - 15 The Road Less Travelled

Question: What is the Y factor?

God’s answer:

Y for Yes God!

To say yes requires complete faith and trust in God. It requires our humility in accepting that God’s way is the best way. This is where one may get into a contest of will with God and it is only when you are willing to “give in” to God and “give up” on yourself, that you receive the Y factor.

As God told me when I finally gave in: “At last, you are willing to try it My way, all the way. This is all I ask – for you to see Me through and through.”

This is when you say, every step of the way: ’thy will be done” and mean it.

Question: Why is it mandatory that we have the Y Factor?

God’s answer:

United we stand. Divided we fall.

Question: What happens when you have both the X and Y factors::

God’s answer:

X Factor + Y Factor = Zero Effect

Question: What is the Zero Effect?

God’s answer:

No resistance. You are at peace.

Mastery of Faith

Together with the x and y factor, the quality of one’s faith meets God’s High Quality Standards. God just does not want us to graduate, He wants us to graduate with honors. There are 5 High Quality Standards like the five points of a star. When we meet these standards, we just don’t have faith, we have an exemplary faith.


God’s statement:

Your Faith is Timeless

According to God, to live happily ever after, one’s faith in Him must be timeless. A timeless faith does not put time deadlines, conditions, restrictions and limits on how long we are willing to have faith in God or wait for God. We never give-up on God past a certain point. Our faith is ongoing. A timeless faith is one whereby we always give God the benefit of the doubt when things are slow to transpire.


God’s statement:

Stick to your guns
You have faith in Me.

This is God’s definition of a committed faith. Sticking to your guns means "to refuse to change your beliefs or actions (Fig. on a soldier remaining in place to fire a gun even when all appears to be lost.)"14 You are unrelenting.

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